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Welcome to Smiffy Bummer Camp!!

... And i could not be happier you are here!!! For whatever reason it may be, Welcome!

Let me tell you a little bit about me and my page.

I initially decided to create a page to channel my new found gym progress into, I felt it needed its own entity! But it was never ALL about the gym, This isn't all about that, or other progress outlets, the gym start was a bi-product of what wass really going on in my head. - I wasn't prepared for it to become as important as it is both for me, and what has really moved me, so of you. - The feedback has really hit me deep, and is a feeling i will never ever forget.

For people who are really down, or depressed, motivation is somewhat of a myth, you remember feeling it once but even the idea of it now seems ridiculous. This produces a catch 22 situation, something like the gym (or any kind of physical exercise) is so unbelievably good for you, but seems psychologically out of reach for so many?

So, the core concept was to bridge/address that gap by using myself as means to explain and face my anxieties, emotions and any subseqent troubles. This is all in the hope people that people like yourself can relate and try to extend that motivation, good feelings and PMA.


There is a story behind smiffy bummer camp, leaving that to the imagination seems appropriate right now, especially when I say I have "very fond memories" that the "in" crew will remember. Mabe ill blog the story one day, although i fear it is one of those "had to be there" stories.

However, it's new meaning is to share my journey of depression, anxiety, all things in between and determination to be more physically active. I discuss my feelings and experiences, 100% honestly and in full, along the way, all in the hope that in reaching out, I enable others to follow (i know, cheesy right!? Add a mean gym instructor and a princess and we've got a nintendo video game!! ) the Bummer Camp in its new meaning is basically a Relaxed Boot Camp for the mind.

Thanks for visiting/reading, i hope you find some insight, or at the very least, crack a smile.

My deepest thanks.



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