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Pre-Birthday Blues?

Well today started of tricky (and early) but that's not too unusual at the moment. Got myself to a place where on average I will only have 2 out of 7 days which are ropey, but that's progress, down from 6 of 7 around xmas time!!

Finding myself fairly deep into my thoughts, but as more of a lurker/observer. Good and bad floating around but no real feeling. This is the "numb" feeling in often talk about.

Waves of anxiety, usually when a strong memory floats by, or I'm so lost in my thoughts I actually forget what I doing. That's why I've gone for a‪ #‎BummerWalk‬

30 mins, no real place to go, ended up walking up and around the shopping centre grabbing a tea from Starbucks (if you've not twigged yet, coffee can really contribute to days with heavy anxiety) now gonna have a beer with the esteemed Smith Senior!

‪#‎smiffybummercamp‬ ‪#‎timetochange‬ ‪#‎itaffectsme‬ ‪#‎justkeepswimming‬

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