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So very true. Relationships of all kinds can stagnate, we all grow and change and as we do, we either grow with people, or grow away from them.

When you are down or depressed time seems to lose its meaning, this can keep you somewhat time locked in relationships, friendships, etc at a point that isn't really true. This is a breeding ground for anxieties. Don't give people that power over you unless they truly reciprocate your feeling and understanding. And 100% embrace those who do, I've drifted from some awesome people, bullied by my own anxieties.

I've been lucky to have my BFF Smurph constantly keeping me grounded, and supporting me throughout my darkest times.

Thankyou for never giving up!

‪#‎smiffybummercamp‬ ‪#‎nevergiveup‬ ‪#‎timetochange‬ ‪#‎itaffectsme‬

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