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Good few days since I really started answering both Zuckerberg and myself honestly, and what can I say... Results are inarguable, I feel better in myself than I have done I years, today I was advised my counselling sessions no longer need to be weekly (progress!!) and overall, my perspective of everything very much changed. I'm not naive (anymore) this is still a journey, and in accepting that change is a constant ... Instead of trying to control it, I'm relaxed into it, and enjoying it. On those bad days, you just need to believe and recall honestly that you won't feel that way forever and push forward anyway, knowing that, at the end of that day, YOU have accomplished something HUGE and you did it all by yourself. For those, are the greatest victorys You rock fellow bummer campers, (not as much as the squat rocks though, my legs are killing today) each one of you has helped me positively allowing me strength I may not have found otherwise. Nuff love S #smiffybummercamp #timetochange #itaffectsme#nevergiveup

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