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Well what can i say, 363 views on the video, absolutely stoked! - still seem to be carrying some gloom, but i think i know why now, and will address is later. Some food for thought, to go with the image, sent to me at the bottom of a really nice email from another collegue, Nornita! (or Noni for short :) ) "it takes two to make a friendship and appreciation of each other work" - that got me thinking... If you're like me, you'll fear yourself or your actions so much that you'll drive a indiscriminate barrier far into ground around you. Nothing (and no one?) gets in, nothing gets out. Trapped...

The barrier tends to become its own entity, seemingly working on its own to keep those 'gates' shut, and you safe. But is it safe? Really? The solitude of the unchecked mind can wreak havoc manifesting in both mental and physical distress.

Ive had some really dark times, times where, ive felt so lost, you genuinely question your existence and its worth. And when you are unable to take pleasure in the things and people around you, your low self-esteem forcing you into complete and utter devaluation. It's important during these times to avoid isolation, if you arent comfortable with anyone around you, go here: and give them a call. You can express yourself freely, and without judgement to a friendly voice on the end of the phone. If you keep yourself isolated you will run the same ring of thoughts round and round, doing yourself more harm than good.

Quite heavy for the morning, didnt know that was going to come out! But then, i rarely do at the moment! I'm smiling, so you all should be. Have a great day, try do something nice for someone else today. Completely random gesture, possibly even to a stranger? :)

Until later Bummer Campers Smiffy X

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