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Courage, by the oxford definition. Noun: "the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery."

So - by definition, and in context, it's not a naturally occurring thing, right? Well, I think that depends on who you are, and what you have been through. I would never have considered myself 'courageous' but is not pressing on through difficult times, no matter how hard it is inside...Courage? Looking at the definition again, the first word to fall on (with a negative or sad perception) is 'quality' because that word is very one-sided to someone who is depressed, you lose a realistic perception and focus only on the negative, driven by turmoil and self-loathing. By extension, the same person/mind-set reaches "quality of mind" which again gets dismissed, naturally - "quality of mind? Don’t make me laugh" because you are unable to perceive the other side of the word - you have defeated yourself, before you have even given yourself a chance...When you consider it, in its entirety, and as one entity, it relates to the side of yourself, you never allow yourself to see, and by default, never allow anyone else to either. The simple act of a shift in perception, allows your brain to consider things in a light your feelings and anxieties don’t allow you to naturally. Over time, by forcing this seemingly unnatural process into fruition, the natural curiosity of your over-active mind explores the positives, as well as the negatives, constructively (and with scrutiny) - thus balancing the natural waves of emotion that follow these thought processes. This small, initially unnoticeable balance change, much like your anxieties, gathers its own momentum, but only if you challenge yourself daily to allow the 'alien' perception room to do so. The more you consider and contemplate this positive side, the more you naturally cultivate the perception that these good things are not as out of reach as they seem, this perception allows you to cultivate confidence – and confidence, in yourself, can take you as far as you want to go, as long as you will it, and believe in your ability to reach the life you feel you deserve.

You won’t get everything you want. That is just is just the nature of the world we live in. I may have just started blogging, but I’ve been living this for quite some time, my life is transforming in ways I do, and don’t like. By that, I mean ‘extremes’ - however, I have the faith in myself to keep pushing forward. Never ever stop fighting, the fight doesn’t need to be endless, with the right support and growing that faith in yourself, you WILL get there.

I wanted to talk more about some others, but I don’t want to go on any longer, they need a mention: Candice Wayne – very nice message last night from an old, out of touch, friend, last night and Josie – this young lady falls behind few, always there in my darkest moments, a source of strength for me over the past few years on a level few others will ever reach. Thank you both. You already have more Courage than you realise. Think about this post, the definition and consider yourself, honestly... You'll be surprised at what you really find, and true levels at which you find it...

Until next time Bummer Campers…

Nuff Love Smiffy


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