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Faith Equals Courage

Reading through some stuff after getting home that the lovely Anita Hogan provided me with today, I’m drawn to one in particular due to today's themed post ("Courage?") entitled "Faith Equals Courage" providing even more nuggets of philosophy that relate.

"It takes courage to face a challenging reality, and even greater courage to make the resolute decision to change it. Determination is the starting point, but it is human nature to waver and be distracted and to even forget the change we decided to make" (Art of Living, Issue 164)

By accepting that, by nature, you are inclined to waver and be distracted, it’s much harder to feel defeated. And if you aren't defeated? Then are you not, still fighting? And if you are still fighting, then part of you, somewhere, is a small flame that should be nurtured! Those are the places you should allow your mind to wander, and recognising those things on their truest level, over time has the ability to transform the way you see yourself.

The result of doing so? When you finally see the true value in yourself, and take it from me, for any person who feels as deeply as I do, there will be more than you could ever imagine, you begin to see the true value of everything (for the record, it’s not like a super-fast broadband download, it unlocks slowly, no matter what the matrix would have you believe :P)

The image included, also includes "Hope" ... something im definitely going to talk about this week. No one jumps into courage, it all has to start somewhere... (*whispers* ... small steps... ;) ) Until tomorrow Bummer Campers Smiffy Xx

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