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Today, i'd like to quote from one of my books: rather then me babble on for a change, read it and think about what situations you can relate it to, and, after contemplation, how you now feel. The following for me was a massive profound punch to the face, which resulted in a lot more thinking and applying to situations...

"On those occasions when you feel most hopeless, you must make a powerful effort. We are so accustomed to faulty states of mind that is difficult to change with just a little practice. Just a drop of something sweet cannot change a taste that is powerfully bitter. We must persist in the face of failure.

In difficult personal circumstances the best recourse is to try and remain as honest and sincere as possible. Otherwise by responding harshly or selfishly, you simply make matters worse. This is especially apparent in painful family situations. You should realise that difficult present circumstances are entirely due to your own past undisciplined actions, so when you experience a difficult period, do your best to avoid behaviour that will add to your burden later on ...." How To Practice - "The Way to a Meaningful Life" -Dalai Lama, Translated by Jeffrey Hopkins

The point here is, a destructive release, only serves to compound the problems you are having, its very easy to become angry and destructive, because the very nature of it, is empowerment... Its not the only way...

Until Tomorrow Bummers



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