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"You want more and more and more. This, in a sense, is a real poverty -- always to be hungry, hungry, hungry with no time to be satisfied"

This was more a profound roundhouse kick to the head; when you are depressed, riddled with anxieties, have that constant 'buzzing' in your head, where every aggressively natured movement or sound, spikes the curiosity of your natural flight reflex, isn’t contentment is a complete myth? If you can’t find contentment, then how does the aforementioned ‘hunger’ manifest?

I’ll try to simplify that, being in a state of contentment, is a form of happiness. Happiness is what all of us, ultimately, want from life. As we differ as people, so do the requirements for happiness and contentment. ( Some content with a gun in their hand, others in floristry, for example)

The lack of contentment in someone who is depressed, (most definitely for myself) translates into a frantic irrational form of something otherwise natural – the search for happiness, and for someone who loses sight of what happiness truly is, this can simply result in favouring ‘a lesser state pain’ – For all those direct sufferers out there, how many of you have addictive/impulsive tendencies? How many of these manifest or escalate after you have become angry?

Impulsiveness… Anger… Addictions... Liberation? Or just a ‘lesser state of pain?’

These lesser states of pain serve a short term purpose, but they can be achieved without destruction, and without destruction, they can swiftly turn into progression.

Izzle Dizzle Bummers, until later!



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