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Writers Block! Or is it...?

So here I am, with all these thoughts and ideas written down, the more I think, the more the required activity in my brain diminishes! Otherwise known as "Exam Syndrome" - you've done all your revision, mocks, etc., yet you sit in that room, with the customary "tick tock" and Mr Brain decides he's off for a pint... Kindly leaving, you, a sitting duck.

Anyway, the point I think I was trying to make there is, overthinking can take the place of 'regular thinking' (for want of better terminology) and i'm now just going to freestyle. When that happens, you exhaust the rational part of your brain with endless irrational outcomes, this then destroys the ability to focus and leaves you prey to unruly, unchecked emotions... (And it’s certainly no holiday there, that's for sure.)

It's important to recognise the point where one thought process becomes the 'ripple effect' - once you recognise that change, you can challenge it, and the more you challenge it, the more you open yourself up to naturally constructive thinking, instead of forceful self-destructive thinking. If this does make any sense to anyone, and you're sitting there thinking "no way, not gonna work for me" ----- You're right, in two ways -

1. By saying it’s not going work before you have even attempted it, you've shifted the odds against yourself, by your own mind, you cannot predict the future, educated guesses, sure, but that's as far as it goes. This applies to everything, if you write it off before you've even tried? You're just denying yourself the chance of victory.

2. Who says what works for me, works for you? Odds are, sure as hell isn't!!! But if you don't give it (or many others things) a chance, how will you ever know??

Everyone, like me, has the power to conquer themselves, no... There’s no cheat code, or booster, and there's no walk-through either... But there are other people struggling, just like you, and also completely different to you. Some in silence, some not, but all sharing the same fundamental internal struggles just to feel a part of daily life.

There's always light at the end of the tunnel, even if you can't see it.

Night Bummers!


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