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But Smiffy!? Where are the gym posts!??

Well, after a routine hospital procedure, and subsequent virus contracted there (don't you just love hospitals) I'll be reigniting the former glory of these posts with an early morning (probably grumpy looking) workout selfie on Saturday!!! Until then, i'm going to leave you with this picture. They were taken 10 months apart, the left hand photo 3rd May last year (PEACH Reunion, KOKO) and the right hand one about 3 weeks ago at my friends. Still finding the transformation hard to believe, and i see it everyday!

Just goes to show you what you can achieve when you push yourself. By accepting that i was likely to fail and not meet my routine, i freed myself from the anxiety that would surface when i inevitably missed a session, or a meal. By doing so, you dont feel defeated (and when you feel defeated, by your very self, its much harder to get back up from that knock, right!?)

Focus on the GOOD you are doing, or even aiming for, nothing else - take those daunting progress snaps that make you self concious - you dont have to share them, they are for you. Accept that you aren't perfect, and you will fall, miss or make mistakes, and agree to pick yourself up, strike it off, and start again the next day (not the next week, or the next month) What started off as a chore, has become a core component of my positive attitude and general outlook, just the very routine of it, knowing you have a meal or a shake coming, or what time your training is going to be (gym or otherwise) breaks down the day into smaller chunks - and when those bad days come, you can (sometimes) make use of this bite-sized structure, with little application, to keep you pushing forward positively, instead of dwelling in the realms of sadness and destruction. HAPPY 'SMIFFY'S FACE IS NOT AS FAT AS IT USED TO BE ANYMORE!' DAY!!! Remember, you're never alone at Smiffy Bummer Camp. If you have to bum, make sure its here :) Smiffy, Out! x

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