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Within the seemingly unbreakable torrent of despair, a beam of light shatters the prison, allowing a glimpse of 'the other side' ...

So what MIGHTY power is required to reach that person, to shatter that prison, of despair.....? For us, it FEELS nigh on impossible to break free from that place, and in some states, it may as well be... But for those we care about... those people, and god bless my Nan, Rita Brehme, one of the very first pieces of advice, she gave, and that stuck with me, is: "Son, you will rarely be able to count your TRUE friends on more than one hand, and if you can, you are very very lucky" - lets be fair, we can have masses of friends, and people that carry a real value... but i can't say she's ever been wrong. Can you? Even so, these TRUE friends (and Family), wield a power far greater that what is required to provide those beams of light... Meet Britt, here's a snapshot of what the #smallthings mean to her. 3 times today I've watched it, and 3 times today it's "got me" - Now added to my list of heroes.

"When those words... actually came out of my mouth... and i heard them for the first time.... thats when things started to change"

"We all need help from time to time"

The smallest of gestures, can have the greatest of impacts, and the greatest of impacts, lead to change... Small, subtle, mostly unnoticeable changes to start with, but the more the #smallthings chip away at the binding despair, the more the liberation manifests itself as a strength, a strength born from Compassion and Love, scary as hell... in a way, aren't these emotion, and by default a component of this despair. Yes, yes they are... but not as you might think, anxiety and paranoia warp these, and somehow twist them against you - the #smallthings help unravel these bindings, and with very little effort. Below is a short Mental Health Awareness Film. I often recall this video film when i feel alone, isolated, or in great pain. I have never had an eating disorder, but i can relate. School was an incredibly difficult time for me, as a result my weight spiraled, eventually weighing at around 15 and half stone at 15/16. I couldn't never find any confidence - that has plagued me for years since. Watch it through, and think about how many #smallthings you do, or could do. Any act of kindness, no matter how silly or insignificant it may feel to you, could mean the beginning or glimpse of a new world to someone else.

A rather emotional ride, writing this one, but all in the name of progress and YOU! - Never give up. Smiffy xx

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