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"Empathy is the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. Empathy is known to increase prosocial (helping) behaviors. While American culture might be socializing people into becoming more individualistic rather than empathic, research has uncovered the existence of "mirror neurons," which react to emotions expressed by others and then reproduce them." Credit:

Empathy can be, an amazing thing, and i believe leads to a truer understanding and greater value of almost everything around you, but most certainly, every person. But during times of inner turmoil, and the black depths of depression, empathy can quickly lead to despair, it's important to recognise the problems that are yours that you carry, are just that, and the rest are the problems you are choosing to carry.

If like me, you sometimes feel dwarfed by your empathy, and the situations it gets you in, you have to assess what is driving your emotions, then sort the results into two categories: 1. Things you absolutely cannot change.

2. Things you can (and be really damn honest with yourself)

Once you recognise and target dealing with the things you CAN, (pick the smallest, easiest first, there's never any sense in RAMBO!!!! - well...... unless you are paint balling, then it becomes compulsory, pandemonium and a crap load of fun!!!!) you are achieving, and thus growing. Growth is good. Over time you will be able to recognise the things that are going to do you more harm than you can handle, and act accordingly.

I think, what my head is trying to say here, is if you share a level of empathy akin to I, pay attention to it, don't leave it unchecked - it is both a gift, and a curse - when you are low, it can bring unnecessary, additional, emotional stress - i think its important to try to remain aware of that.

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